Vedic Astrology Compatibility

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  2. Vedic Astrology Compatibility Composite
Vedic Astrology CompatibilityVedic

Vedic Astrology Compatibility Online

Marriage & Love Compatibility 'Marriages are made in heaven'. Vedic Astrology has a special system of marriage compatibility, between male and female and their horoscope charts. Chart compatibility is exact analysis of how the planetary positions in the charts. It is necessary to analyze placement of Mars, Venus, Shani, Rahu and Kethu also in both horoscopes. If these planets are badly placed either in your horoscope or your partner's horoscope, the married life will be in problem (like ego clash, lack of understandings, unhappy, divorce may be happen, child may not be born or life partner may be dead).

Vedic Astrology Compatibility Composite

Getting a true love partner is very important work for good and prosperous life. It is highly suggest getting horoscope matched of both partners before entering into a relationship. So match making is very important for any marriage. Star matching - Dhasa Poruttham Star matching - the ten most important points to value in horoscope matching.

Relationship & Compatibility Reports 'It is in the area of human relationships that I find astrology to be the most useful. No other part of our life can be as perplexing, confusing and painful as love - so astrology to the rescue!'